Our  SIAP system (Personnel Administration System) provides all the necessary tools for the administration and management of an organisation's human capital.

The SIAP suite is composed of the following modules:

The Self-Management System allows the following tasks to be carried out in an easy and simple way, either on the web or mobile:
  • Bill queries
  • Income tax recepipts
  • Licence balances
  • Clock marks
  • Worker's record

It is also possible to carry out the following operations:
  • Leave requests
  • Medical certifications
  • Notifications
  • Evaluating the worker
  • Notices of absence

It is also allows:
  • Configure different types of profiles for queries and procedures
  • Generate flows of authorisations for each management

  • Manages the information related to attendance control (clock marks, entry of the different types of leave, absences with and without notice, etc.)
  • It generates the incident report for the period to be used in the salary settlement, updates current leave accounts and balances
  • The entry of clock marks is done through massive upload by file (with the interface configurable for one or several types of clock) or manual entry. Marks can be adjusted and there is a process for detecting inconsistent marks
  • It provides a large number of listings to facilitate the control tasks of the human resources area

Allows you to manage the information that affects a worker's file. Some of the most relevant are:
  • Personal data (identification and other) and family data
  • Formal studies and qualifications obtained
  • Continuing education and training (courses and seminars)
  • Work experience
  • Various annotations for cases such as sanctions, etc

In addition to this data, the system will communicate with the rest of the modules to keep the worker's complete file up to date. The file can be consulted by scrolling through the different folders that are displayed through tabs to achieve a friendly and intuitive navigation. It is also possible to generate a report with a worker's complete file. 

Allows monitoring so that the organisation has people capable of performing correctly in their roles, striving to achieve the proposed results.
  • Define training areas and within each area the achievable levels
  • Register training needs and training centres
  • Open courses to meet training needs. Each course belongs to one of the defined training areas and it is established to which training level within the area the course corresponds
  • Keep the historical record of all needs and courses registered. For each course, the training centres, teachers and participating workers are recorded
  • Recording attendance and approval of courses. The recording of course approvals by employees enables a record to be kept of the levels of training achieved by staff in each area
  • Record in the personnel file the training activities carried out
  • Conduct course evaluations, assessing the teachers and the content

The Performance Evaluation module allows the management of the procedure carried out by the agency in order to evaluate the performance of civil servants in a given period of time.

  • MaintenanceThe possible evaluators and the structure of workers/evaluators to be used are defined. 
  • PlanningWhen starting a new period of employee appraisal, the following aspects should be defined in the system: 
    » Period over which the worker's development is to be assessed.
    » Period of time for self-assessment
  • ExecutionThe defined evaluators must complete the evaluation forms for the workers assigned to them. Information will be available in other modules, such as Files and Settlement.
    » Evaluators can complete the appraisal forms from the Self-Management module (in a decentralised way).
    » The appraisal forms are personalised. 
  • ClosingOnce the forms are completed for all workers, their result is sent to them via the Self-Management module by means of a Notification in which they can receive a copy of their evaluation form. The information is available in the module, and impacts on each employee's file

The module allows the management of Medical Certifications from the employee's request by Self-Management, to the approval of the same and its impact on the Attendance Control module. It also allows the management of Occupational Accidents from the accident report to the approval or not of the State Insurance Bank.
  • Application for Medical CertificationThe application form can be completed directly by the employee from self-management, or also centrally from the Attendance Control module
  • Receipt of CertificateThe system allows you to attach the certificate and record the date of receipt of the certificate (for later controls)
  • Diagnosis EntryCoded entry of the diagnosis established in the certification
  • Certification TransformationThe information previously entered is consolidated and a transformation proposal is generated according to the defined rules (justified days, absences with or without notice, etc.)
  • Inspection ManagementManages and organises the visits of the Certifying Doctor to the employees who are certified
  • Notice of DepartureThis is registered when the certified employee is not going to be at home, either because he/she is absent for a few hours or because he/she is going to be temporarily at another address
  • Accidents at WorkThe system provides for the classification of the accident according to the criteria of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security. In addition, it allows you to keep a record of the check-ups that the employee must attend and then enter the final result
  • Medical BoardThe system allows you to keep a record of the Medical Boards carried out

The module supports all settlement-related processes:
    General features:
    • Entry Processes
    • Settlement Processes
    • Post Settlement Processes
    • Parameter setting(formula compiler)
    • Salary increase
    • Reliquidations / Rectifications 
    • Load of variable concepts
    • Third party / judicial withholdings
    • Interfaces: BPS, BROU, RVE, BSE, DGI, etc

      Among other features, the integration with a dynamic formula engine stands out, which provides great flexibility in the parameterisation phase. The most complex implementations have been resolved via parameterisation without having to modify the module.
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